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Management and OB Teaching Conference in New Zealand

  • 1.  Management and OB Teaching Conference in New Zealand

    Posted 05-23-2019 05:20

    2020 International Conference of the
    Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS)

    Call for Papers

    Hosted by the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand

    Submission System Opens Monday, May 6  |  Submission Deadline is Friday, August 9

    Conference Dates: January 28 – February 2, 2020


    Call for Papers  |  Submission Guidelines  |  MOBTS.org


    Arrive early and stay late as you make the most of this tremendous experience! 

    Join us in New Zealand at the University of Canterbury for the 2020 MOBTS International conference. 
    Christchurch is both New Zealand's oldest city, and its newest. While proud of its history, the substantial rebuild following the earthquakes has created a new and vibrant city 'for the people'.

    Conference Theme

    The core purpose of this conference is to bring together management educators from throughout the Australasian region as well as attracting educators from the Americas and Europe. We want to create a vibrant international community of educators so that we can share our experience of best practices, learn from each other and build learning networks for today and into the future. As such, this is a very broad theme, congruent with the vision of MOBTS.

    We welcome interactive and experiential sessions that share insights into effective and ineffective teaching practices and the experience of life as an educator. We are as interested in what works as what does not work, as learning from failure in our view is part of the lived experience of the life long journey of an educator. We do not wish to be prescriptive in saying what you should submit to the conference. You are the community of active management educators: from you will emerge best practice and themes.

    Proposal Formats

    We very much welcome a blend of proposals including:

    • Interactive exercises or cases on a particular topic;
    • Round table discussions that encourage dialogue around a topic, or offer the community the opportunity to develop a particular skill;
    • Presentations of best practices in management education.
    • Pedagogical research


    Emerging Themes, Add to the Conversation

    Below are some themes that have emerged from our experience of management education and about which we are keen to gain insights into best practice. As a community you will have additional insights, so consider the below initial thoughts. We welcome proposals both within and outside the below themes.

    Large Group teaching. There is a tension between our desire to teach in small groups, to facilitate exchange of ideas, and the challenge of institutional pressures to generate income through large classes. How do we as educators manage the challenge of large group teaching? Issues may include, but are not limited to:

    • Managing experiential learning in large groups
    • Designing effective and engaging assessments
    • Providing meaningful and developmental feedback to students
    • Managing behaviour in large groups compared to small
    • Identifying, integrating, or abandoning, technological supports to aid large group teaching
    • Creating meaningful industry and research engaged teaching in large groups


    Learning strategies, environments and innovations. How do we as educators develop an effective and engaging learning environment, select and implement a learning approach to fit the learning objectives of our programs and needs of our students?

    • Artificial intelligence can support learning, but can also be used as a replacement for the educator and the educated student. How are you as educators harnessing the benefits of Artificial intelligence and preparing your students for a world where they work with and compete against machine learning?
    • How do we choose between styles of learning, how do we implement these effectively, and what is impact of these on different types of teacher and learner:
      • problem based learning
      • evidence based learning
      • action learning
      • service learning
      • work placements


    Assessment of learning outcomes. A major task for all educators is designing effective and meaningful assessments of learning outcomes. The impact of assessment upon and response by students is not always positive. How do we manage the challenges of assessment?

    • Examples of effective and failed innovations in assessment
    • Assessment strategies for small, medium and large size classes
    • Assessment in diverse learning environments
    • Peer assessments
    • Assessing visiting and international students
    • Setting expectations and managing student disappointments


    From individual educator to school/university programs. How do we manage the process of designing and delivering effective modules in the wider context of a suite of modules (be that a degree, certificate, amongst others), quality assurance by universities, accreditation requirements, and balancing the competing needs of teaching and service.

    • Designing and implementing effective curriculum change
    • Integrating our teaching into accreditation processes


    Research led teaching and turning teaching into scholarship.

    • At a practical level how do we convert our research into meaningful teaching experiences for our undergraduate, postgraduate and executive learners?
    • How do we convert our teaching practices and experiences into research and scholarship?
    • What questions can drive pedagogical research to improve teaching practices?


    Leading whilst teaching (or not): What are the challenges and strategies to manage life as both a teacher and a leader within your institution? As our careers develop we often move from teaching and research into managing programmes and institutions. What experience and best practice can we share of:

    • Benefits and challenges of teaching whilst leading as a programme director, departmental or school head, university administrator
    • As educators do we want, and what are the implications of having leaders whom do or do not teach? What is the practical impact on our students and ourselves?
    • How do we manage the ethical and practical challenges of being both an educator on a program and a leader resourcing and managing it?


    Roundtables. Whilst we welcome roundtables in any topic, be it from above, or another topic, we are especially interested in roundtables that offer insights into:

    • Converting teaching into publications. Can editors, reviewers and authors provide best practice insights to those of us who wish to share our teaching experience with the research community?
    • Career management. How do we manage our career as an educator such that we continue to be enthusiastic and effective educators throughout our career? How do we manage personal challenges whilst continuing to be effective educators?
    • International networking. How can we create international experiences and networks for our students and educators that help us to develop new skills and networks for the modern business world?

    We welcome you to our academic home in Christchurch, New Zealand and look forward to learning more about your experiences of teaching, insights into what works and what does not, and how you manage the challenges faced by modern university life.

    Do join us at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. We would love to learn from you!

    Sarah Wright, PhD, MSc(Hons), BA,
    Senior Lecturer, PhD Programme Coordinator
    Department of Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
    University of Canterbury
    Christchurch, New Zealand


    Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

    P: (843) 855-0301
    brandon@mobts.org   |    mobts.org
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    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/obts1