PDW Invitation: How can I get students to work well in groups when teaching with case studies? The TaBLE Case Method
Session 310: Saturday August 10, 10-11:30am, Hyatt: Randolph 2
My students don't prepare for case discussions!' 'My students hate teamwork!' 'When I ask a question in class, all I get is silence!' 'In the post generative-AI classroom I want to know if my students are actually learning, but it's not feasible for me to run an oral exam for every student'.
In this interactive workshop we will introduce you to a method that overcomes these common teaching problems. The Team-Based Learning and Evaluation (TaBLE) Case Method combines group learning with case teaching to increase student motivation to prepare, attend and engage; create individual accountability for group goals; foster critical thinking and creative debate; and make theory-practice links.
In this PDW, participants will engage in a practical and interactive activity to trial for themselves how the TaBLE Case method motivates individual preparation and group participation before, during and after class. Facilitators will debrief on the method's pedagogical principles and provide evidence of effectiveness and student feedback. They will also share illustrative examples of how the method has been adapted internationally for teaching different courses in different delivery modes. In roundtable discussions with facilitators, participants will gain practical insights for adapting TaBLE in their own teaching context.
Sandra Pereira (University of Warwick)
Gemma Irving (University of Queensland)
Sandra Figueira (University of Queensland)
Lee Jarvis (University of Warwick)
Gemma Irving
The University of Queensland
Queensland QLD