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PDW: Unpacking Quality in Decolonising MOS Research on Friday

  • 1.  PDW: Unpacking Quality in Decolonising MOS Research on Friday

    Posted 08-06-2024 08:34

    171: Unpacking Quality In Decolonising MOS Research (18053)
    Friday, August 9, 2024 14:30 – 17:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5) Location: Fairmont: Ambassador Room

    This PDW aims at addressing the issue of quality and rigour that all of us as authors, reviewers and editors have struggled with in pursuing our decolonising MOS research. It hopes to generate a set of pointers that we could use to wrestle with quality in our decolonising research

    This PDW focuses on unpacking the idea of quality in decolonising management and organization studies from multiple viewpoints and geo- historical locations. It brings together editors and authors, well established and early career scholars as well as scholars from different geo-historical locations of experiencing gendered racialized coloniality, i.e, South America, Africa, India, US and Australia. By bringing together these diverse viewpoints it attempts to articulate how the idea of rigor functions to silence alternate view points and it inaugurates conversations of how the idea of rigor and quality as to transform to inaugurate ecologies of knowledges that overcome hegemonic Eurocentric management.

    We the organisers look forward to co-creating this understanding with you. 

    see further at https://cdmcd.co/mRDYZg

    Nimruji Jammulamadaka
    Indian Institute of Management Calcut