Division Chair

Arran Caza, Chair of MED 2024-2025

Bryan School of Business and Economics

University of North Carolina Greensboro

Email: ajcaza@uncg.edu

Be part of MED: A Message from Arran Caza, MED Division Chair, 2024–25

The new Chair of the Management Education and Development (MED) Division begins with a welcoming letter, which typically involves a reflection on the past and an invitation to the next annual meeting. The annual meeting is important; we had a great program earlier this month in Chicago, and I do hope you will join us in Copenhagen on July 25-29, 2025. (Please notice the July dates; not August)

However, I want my opening welcome to emphasize MED's year-round value to you. The MED team has been working hard to create a library of resources for you, including podcasts, webinars, and resources. My goal is to build on that foundation by offering even more in the coming year.

Our hope is to make med.aom.org your first stop for information and best practice about management education in all its forms, whether you have undergraduate, graduate, executive, or organizational learners.

Please watch this space. We have an exciting year ahead.