Division Chair

Prof Mairead Brady, Chair of MED 2023-2024

Associate Professor, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Email: Mairead.Brady@tcd.ie

Getting ready for AOM Chicago: A Message from Mairead Brady, the MED Division Chair, 2023–24

Welcome to the Management Education and Development (MED) Division, and we hope that you can join us in Chicago for a great conference where you will enjoy collaborating with a talented and dedicated community of academics and scholars intent on nurturing and disseminating insightful research, championing evidence-based teaching, fostering engaging dialogues, and forging connections. Our aim is to build on our strong foundation of over 11,000 AOM members, of whom 1,500 are core MED members, many of whom have MED as their second and third division. This conference is designed to be engaging, inspiring, and supportive, providing a dynamic management education voice for business school academics and doctoral candidates. 

Our PDW and Program Chairs have created an exciting, conference program with inspiring scholars and numerous opportunities to build relationships, forge research collaborations, learn innovative evidence-based teaching approaches from award-winning researchers, and attend excellent PDWs, and symposiums and great social events.   

I extend a heartfelt appreciation to all our current volunteers, who have worked hard all year to bring you our best yet. If you're not yet part of our MED Division, please do join, and to all members, I urge you to explore avenues to actively participate in this vibrant community. 

I look forward to seeing you all in Chicago