Value in getting a higher education
Not everywhere in the world is the same, but EDUCATION IS EXPENSIVE! So my question is often, how can we provide value? Students have diverse learning styles and preferences, which makes things even more complicated. I started to have a session with my students (course level, but may work on a lecture level too). I ask them to research value in higher education and then reflect on how they are taking value out of the master course they are enrolled in. Feedback is that most articles are useless and general. But there is evidence that one earns more in a lifetime after having done Master's level education (good for us!!). However, everything else that is valuable is what we do not often focus on in learning interactions. Better presentation skills, social capital, a community of peers, gaining in-depth insights, having an advantage on the job market, personal growth, improving oneself and changing one's perspective or strengthening it were some of the things mentioned. But all of them were not directly assessed examinations – I am now trying to focus on value for the students, as well as assessment. Below are two articles that inspired me…