(Drafted: May 2009)
(Last Revised June 2017))
The name of the Division shall be The Management Education and Development Division of The Academy of Management, hereinafter referred to as the Division.
The primary purpose of the division is to support theory development and research in management education (academic) and leadership/management development (non-credit instruction). MED is the education theory, practice and policy research division of the Academy of Management. We enable effective practices of management education and development by encouraging research on programs and institutions which addresses issues at all levels of management education delivery, from individual learner through education and learning policy. The specific activities of the division will include:
- To welcome into the AOM community education and development researchers from all disciplines. If you are conducting research in our domain, irrespective of your professional or academic discipline, the division is a home for your education research and skills development.
- To support research development and dissemination in the following major areas:
- theoretical advances or empirical evidence about effective and innovative instructional methods, technology, management education and development techniques, institutional structures or education policies;
- applications of learning theories to management education and development.
- benchmark practices in coaching, outcome assessment, learning styles, on-line learning across cultures and environments.
- To foster the skill development of our membership through workshops on improving effective teaching, learning, participation and engagement strategies.
- Such other activities and services as are deemed useful by the officers and membership in advancing the state of knowledge and practice in the field of management education and development, congruent with the MED domain statement.
Membership in this Division shall be open to any active member of The Academy of Management who is interested in the Division’s purposes.
ARTICLE IV. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE The officers of the Division shall consist of a Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Past Chairperson, Program Chairperson, Program Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Membership Coordinator-Elect, Practitioner Liaison, Practitioner Liaison-Elect, Research Coordinator, Research Coordinator-Elect, Program Evaluation Coordinator, Program Evaluation Coordinator-Elect, Communications Coordinator, At-Large Nominating Committee Member, and such other appointed officers as may be deemed necessary by the Chairperson.
- Executive committee.
- All activities of the Division shall be under the review of the Executive Committee. It is responsible for achieving the Division’s objectives through enactment of appropriate policies and procedures in accordance with the Academy of Management policies governing professional divisions and within the Division’s Bylaws. It shall serve as the executive body for advice, consent and decision making on affairs not requiring a member vote in the interim between annual meetings of the Division.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Past Chairperson, Program Chairperson, Program Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Practitioner Liaison, Research Coordinator, Program Evaluation Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Representatives at-Large and such other appointed officers as may be deemed necessary by the Chairperson.
The Executive Committee shall meet at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management and virtually or face to face as needed and called for by the Chairperson, mindful of the geographic dispersion of the committee. Between meetings additional business shall be conducted electronically, using any communication technology that is not in conflict with policies of the AOM, is approved for use by two thirds vote of the executive committee, or is recommended as an approved technology by the AOM.
- Duties of Officers
- The Chairperson is the chief executive officer of the Division and shall administer all affairs of the Division in coordination with the President-Elect of The Academy of Management and its Professional Divisions Policy Committee. The Chairperson is responsible for the conduct of the Division’s activities in a manner that will assure the accomplishment of the Division’s purposes, subject to the provisions of the Division Bylaws, Code of Ethics and professional division policies of the Academy of Management and the MED division. The Chairperson appoints all committees of the Division and their officers as necessary. The division chairperson shall consult and concur with the Executive Committee in matters of policy. He or she shall oversee the expenditures of the Division’s budget, be accountable to the membership for proper management of all divisional expenditures and activities, and present a report on the status and progress of the Division at its Annual Business Meeting.
- The Chairperson-Elect shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson and shall ordinarily succeed the Chairperson at the termination of the Chairperson’s year in office. He/she shall serve as assistant to the Chairperson and carry out such duties as may be delegated by the Chairperson.
- The Past Division Chairperson shall serve as counsellor to the Chairperson and as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
- The Program Chairperson shall be responsible for planning, organizing, and supervising the Division’s program at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- The Program Chairperson-Elect (often also referred to as the PDW Program Chair) shall be responsible for planning, organizing, and supervising all pre-conference activities for the Division at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. In addition, the Program Chairperson-Elect shall assist the Program Chairperson as needed.
- The Secretary shall serve a two-year term and be responsible for keeping a record of the Division’s Annual Business Meeting and any other duties or correspondence as may be requested by the Division Chairperson.
- The Membership Coordinator shall be responsible for building and sustaining membership through recruiting and coordinating a membership committee. The members of the membership committee shall be chosen by the Membership Coordinator in consultation with the Division Chairperson.
- The Practitioner Liaison shall be responsible for promoting, encouraging, and supporting liaisons with practitioners of management training, development, and education with the goal of sharing their knowledge with the Division’s members and vice versa. The Practitioner Liaison may select, in consultation with the Division Chairperson, a committee to assist in fulfilling these responsibilities.
- The Research Coordinator shall be responsible for promoting, encouraging, and supporting research efforts consistent with the purposes and mission of the Division and may select, in consultation with the Division Chairperson, a committee to assist in fulfilling these responsibilities. The Research Coordinator shall also administer all awards as designated by the Executive Committee.
- The Program Evaluation Coordinator shall serve a three-year term and be responsible for developing and implementing a method which ensures the annual program is evaluated, providing information to the Program Chairperson and the Program Chairperson-Elect about the quality of the annual program, and recruiting, in consultation with the Division Chairperson, a committee for implementing the evaluation.
- The Membership Coordinator-Elect, Practitioner Liaison-Elect, Research Coordinator-Elect, and Program Evaluation Coordinator-Elect shall assist the applicable MED Officer whose position he/she will take over in the following year. The Program Evaluation Coordinator-Elect office shall only be filled during the final year of the Program Evaluation Coordinator’s tenure.
- The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Division Chairperson every three years in consultation with the MED Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintenance of all Division financial records in accordance with Academy of Management guidelines.
- The Communications Coordinator shall be appointed by the Division Chairperson every three years in consultation with the MED Executive Committee. The Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for collecting, compiling, and disseminating information about and for the members of this Division on a regular basis through the Newsletter. The Communications Coordinator may select, in consultation with the Division Chairperson, a committee to assist in fulfilling these responsibilities. The Communications Coordinator, in consultation with the Division Chairperson, may develop additional methods of communicating with the membership that are deemed to be efficient and effective in serving the needs of the membership and executive committee.
- The Web Site Manager shall be appointed every three years by the Division Chairperson in consultation with the MED Executive Committee. The Web Site Manager shall be responsible for collecting and disseminating information relevant to the mission of the Division through the medium of the world-wide-web and successive information technologies. Jurisdiction of the informational content of the MED web page shall reside with the Web Site Manager in consultation with the MED Executive Committee. MED members desiring information to be posted or linked shall send the information to the Web Site Manager, preferably in a digital format. Information shall be posted by the Web Site Manager in a timely manner. Where the Executive Committee believes it to be appropriate this role may be combined with the Communications Coordinator.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint additional officers as needed. All appointed officers shall be made for a one, two or three-year term according to the discretion of the Executive Committee. These appointments can be renewed at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee also has the sole right to terminate the appointment early if the work is completed or if the Executive Committee deems that the work is not being performed in an adequate manner.
- Outgoing officers are responsible for settling financial obligations incurred during their term by the end of the current Academic fiscal year.
- Outgoing officers are responsible for providing an updated Responsibilities and Guidelines document for their position to the Division Chair for retention in the Division’s electronic archives, and/or provision of an induction to the incoming officer that is replacing their role at the Annual meeting with online follow up support.
- To encourage wide participation from membership and diversity of views, Executive Committee position holders are not normally re-elected to the same position for a second term.
- In the event of an elected officer being unable to continue their duties, then the succession as outlined in Article V and the “Order of Succession Appendix to the MED Bylaws” shall apply.
- A Nominating Committee shall consist of the following: The Past Chairperson, the Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect, the Program Chairperson, Program Chairperson-Elect and one Representative at Large (chosen by the past Chairperson). The past Chairperson shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall annually solicit nominations from the Division membership through the Academy of Management nominations website and/or the Division Newsletter for MED elected officer positions. These officer positions include: Program Chairperson-Elect, Secretary (biannually), Membership Coordinator-Elect, Practitioner Liaison-Elect, Research Coordinator-Elect, Program Evaluation Coordinator-Elect (triennially) and Representatives at Large. The number of Representatives at Large is reviewed by the Executive Committee in line with what they view as the current needs of the Division, but may not be less than one. For each position fielding nominees, at least two persons who are willing to serve shall be selected by the Nominating Committee from all suggested nominees as candidates for each open position. All nominees must be current Division members. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall be responsible for verifying the willingness of nominees to serve prior to paper ballot voting at the Annual Business Meeting, web-based ballot voting through electronic voting processes, or any election method that may be developed by the Academy of Management in future. A final election ballot containing the names of the candidates for each position shall be listed on the Academy of Management Elections website. All elections shall conform to the policies of the Academy of Management.
- All voting results conducted either by paper ballots at the Annual Business meeting, electronic ballot through web-based voting processes, or any future election method created by the AOM, shall be reviewed by the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, or an appointed representative, after elections have closed according to the Academy of Management guidelines. A plurality of all ballots will constitute election to the open offices. The President-Elect of the Academy shall be notified in writing by the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee of the vote count for each candidate that ran for Program Chairperson-Elect. The vote count shall be considered confidential information and shall not be disseminated further. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall notify each candidate of the voted winner for the position in which he/she was a candidate.
- The Program Chairperson-Elect shall become the Program Chairperson the year following election, unless removed from office by the Executive Committee. The Program Chairperson shall become Division Chairperson-Elect in the year after completing the term as Program Chairperson, unless removed from office by the Executive Committee. In conformance with the Academy Bylaws, the Division Chairperson-Elect shall automatically become Chairperson of the Division at the end of his/her one-year Division Chairperson-Elect term. The Division Chairperson shall become the Past Division Chair upon completion of his/her Division Chairperson term. The term of office for all officers, with the exception of the Secretary and the Program Evaluation Coordinator, shall be one (1) year. The Secretary shall serve for two (2) years and the Program Evaluation Coordinator shall serve for three (3) years. The terms of all elected Division officers shall expire at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
- If no suitable and/or willing nominees for officer positions are found through the Academy’s online nomination process, MED members at the Annual Meeting may nominate candidates from the floor for those positions and votes taken for the nominees.
- Succession of five-year leadership cycle officers. If any of the five-year leadership cycle elected officers (Immediate Past Chair; Division Chair; Chair Elect; Program Chair; Program Chair Elect) are unable to continue in their role then they should be replaced following the guidelines documented in the “Order of Succession Appendix to the MED Bylaws”. In developing this order of succession, the following principles apply (items a through to i).
- Ordinarily the five-year leadership cycle officers ought to be directly elected by the MED membership.
- Ordinarily an officer should advance to the next position in the leadership cycle at the end of the AOM Annual Conference, starting as Program Chair Elect and over a five-year period progressing annually through to Immediate Past Chair.
- Where one of the five-year leadership cycle officers is unable to continue their role, they are obliged to inform the Division Chair as soon as possible so that immediate succession can take place. Where the Division Chair is the officer unable to continue in their role, then they are to inform the Immediate Past Chair as soon as possible.
- Any of the five-year leadership cycle officers may be removed from office on the recommendation of the Division Chair (or if the Division Chair then by the recommendation of the Immediate Past Chair) where this is confirmed by a written vote of the executive committee and where two thirds of the committee vote for the removal of that officer (members of the executive committee are defined in Article IV of the MED Bylaws).
- In the event of item 6(c) (a five-year leadership cycle officer whom is unable to continue in the role) or item 6(d) (removed from the role by the executive committee) of Article V of these Bylaws the immediate actions ought to be taken by the executive committee to appoint a successor officer following the guidelines documented in the “Order of Succession Appendix to the Med Bylaws”.
- The “Order of Succession Appendix to the MED Bylaws” seeks to balance the need for immediate replacement of a five-year leadership cycle officer to ensure orderly management of the division in the pursuit of the purpose of MED (as detailed in Article II of these Bylaws), with the need for an appropriate level of AOM specific experience in a given role, the voluntary contribution of officers, and the objective that all of these officers have an elected mandate from the membership.
- Where possible no one officer in the five-year leadership cycle should serve in any one of the five roles more than once and in no circumstances more than twice.
- Where possible if an officer is unable to continue their role, but has not been removed by a vote the executive committee (as per item 6(d) of Article V of the Bylaws), then the succession policy outlined in the “Order of Succession Appendix to the MED Bylaws” provides for the opportunity for the officer to return into the leadership cycle in the next year (except the Program Chair Elect whom is afforded the opportunity to return two years later).
- If a scenario not anticipated by the “Order of Succession Appendix to the MED Bylaws”, or this proves impossible to implement, then the Division Chair may, in following consultation with and approval by two thirds vote of the MED Executive Committee, appoint any qualified person to complete the remaining portion of the year of an officer’s duties, followed by an election for the remainder of the role’s duties via the normal elections process.
- Procedures for other elected officers to be followed for filling positions that become vacant between scheduled elections are as follows:
- If the position of Treasurer or becomes vacant, the Division Chair may, at her/his discretion, appoint a replacement for the remainder of the service year. To take effect, the appointment must be approved by two-thirds of the voting members of the Executive Committee. Individuals who would normally be ineligible for the position due to prior service may be appointed and this service shall not restrict the appointee’s eligibility to be elected to the position in the future, such that other restrictions detailed elsewhere in these bylaws do not apply. During the next scheduled election, the usual process shall be used to elect a new individual to serve a full term as Treasurer.
- If the position of Secretary becomes vacant, the Division Chair may, at her/his discretion, appoint a replacement for the remainder of the service year. To take effect, the appointment must be approved by two-thirds of the voting members of the Executive Committee. Individuals who would normally be ineligible for the position due to prior service may be appointed and this service shall not restrict the appointee’s eligibility to be elected to the position in the future, such that other restrictions detailed elsewhere in these bylaws do not apply. During the next scheduled election, the usual process shall be used to elect a new individual to serve a full term as Secretary.
- If a Representative-at-Large position becomes vacant, it shall remain vacant for the remainder of the year. During the next election, any remainder of the term shall be filled by the nominee who received the most votes among those who did not receive sufficient votes to be elected to a full term.
- Where a vacancy occurs in any other Executive Committee position, the regular appointment process shall be used to identify a replacement who shall complete the term.
- Any officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of all current members of the Division. The Division shall follow the Academy of Management policies for removal of offices.
- The committees of the Division shall include a Nominating Committee, Membership Committee, Program Evaluation Committee, Practitioner Liaison Committee, Research Committee, Communications Committee, and other ad hoc or standing committees as deemed necessary by the Division Chairperson.
- Membership on the Nominating Committee is detailed in Article V-1.
- Membership on other Division Committees shall be determined by their respective Division Committee Chairpersons in consultation with the Division Chairperson and according to Articles of section IV. Such membership appointment shall provide, insofar as is possible, for representation from all the Academy’s geographical divisions.
- All committees shall be coordinated by the Division Chairperson or by the Chairperson-Elect if designated by the Chairperson.
- Business Meetings
There shall be an Annual Business Meeting of the Division held concurrently with the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Members of the Division shall be notified of the time and place of the Annual Meeting by the appropriate officer of the Academy of Management. Special meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the officers of the Division.
- Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Division in all matters to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of this Division and the Academy of Management.
- Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed either by (a) a majority vote of the Executive Committee or (b) a written request from two percent (2%) of the Division's membership that the Executive Committee authorize a ballot for voting on proposed amendments.
- Any proposals to amend these Bylaws must be submitted to the Division’s members at least forty-five (45) days before the closing date of the ballot.
- These Bylaws may be amended at any time by a two-thirds majority of the ballots completed. The voting procedure shall be consistent with Academy of Management guidelines, if any. Either electronic or mail ballots may be used, under the condition that secrecy and accuracy be ensured.
- Counting and certification of ballots shall be the responsibility of the Division Chair Elect.
- For a change in the bylaws to be approved, at least 5% of the current members of the Division must vote.
- A report of the results of a vote to amend the bylaws must be made at the next annual business meeting of the Division.
- The “Order of Succession Appendix of to the MED Bylaws” shall be considered an integral part of the Bylaws and cannot be amended without a vote of the membership following the process of items 1 through to 6 of Article VIII of these Bylaws.
- Addition of new Appendix material may be made by the concurrence of two-thirds of the Executive Committee, achieved either by mail ballot, email ballot, or voting at an Executive Committee meeting.
- Amendments to the Appendices may not conflict in any way with the formally binding Bylaws of the Division.
ORDER OF OFFICER SUCCESSION APPENDIX TO MED BYLAWS: Regular order of succession (all names of officers are used for illustrative purposes only)
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Immediate Past Chair |
1. “Marcus Maximus” |
2. “Julius Longus” |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
Division Chair |
2. “Julius Longus” |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
Chair-elect |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
Program Chair |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” |
Program Chair-elect (PDW chair) |
5. “Cassius Elva” (elected in Year 1) |
6. “Dominicus Menus” (elected in Year 2) |
7. “Galerius Sura” (elected in Year 3) |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” (elected in Year 4) |
9. “Alpinus Fullo” (elected in Year 5) |
Ordinarily officers are elected as Program Chair elect. Each year at the end of the AOM annual conference they progress to the next role, ending five years later in the final role as Immediate Past Chair. Order of succession if the Immediate Past Chair (1. “Marcus Maximus”) is unable to serve in Year 1*
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Immediate past Chair |
2. “Julius Longus” takes over the role |
1. “Marcus Maximus” (if able to return) or a candidate nominated and elected within the Executive Committee from its members |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
“4. Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
Chair of the division |
2. “Julius Longus” |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
Chair-elect |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
Program Chair |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
“Dominicus 6. Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” |
Program Chair-elect (PDW chair) |
5. “Cassius Elva” (elected in Year 1) |
6. “Dominicus Menus” (elected in Year 2) |
7. “Galerius Sura” (elected in Year 3) |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” (elected in Year 4) |
9. “Alpinus Fullo” (elected in Year 5) |
*If a scenario not anticipated by this succession plan arises, or this proves impossible to implement, then the Division Chair may, following consultation with and approval of a two thirds vote of the MED Executive Committee, appoint any qualified person to complete the remaining portion of the year as an Immediate Past Chair, followed by an election for the remainder of the role’s duties via the normal elections process. Order of succession if the Division Chair (2. “Julius Longus”) is unable to serve in Year 1*
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Immediate Past Chair |
1. “Marcus Maximus” |
2. “Julius Longus” (if able to return) or a candidate nominated and elected within the Executive Committee from its members |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
Division Chair |
1. “Marcus Maximus” takes over the role |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
Chair-elect |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
Program Chair |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” |
Program Chair-elect (PDW chair) |
5. “Cassius Elva” (elected in Year 1) |
6. “Dominicus Menus” (elected in Year 2) |
7. “Galerius Sura” (elected in Year 3) |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” (elected in Year 4) |
9. “Alpinus Fullo” (elected in Year 5) |
*If a scenario not anticipated above arises, or this proves impossible to implement, then the Executive Committee may by two thirds vote nominate any qualified person to complete the remainder of the term of office and subsequent roles of the Division Chair. Order of succession if the Chair-elect (3. “Lucius Philo”) is unable to serve in Year 1*
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Immediate Past Chair |
1. “Marcus Maximus” |
2. “Julius Longus” or a candidate nominated and elected within the Executive Committee from its members |
3. “Lucius Philo” (if able to return) or a candidate nominated and elected within the Executive Committee from its members |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
Division Chair |
2. “Julius Longus” |
3. “Lucius Philo” (if able to return) or one of the Past Chairs from last 5 years. |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
Chair-elect |
2. “Julius Longus” takes over the role Serving as both Division Chair and Chair elect |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
Program Chair |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” |
Program Chair-elect (PDW chair) |
5. “Cassius Elva” (elected in Year 1) |
6. “Dominicus Menus” (elected in Year 2) |
7. “Galerius Sura” (elected in Year 3) |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” (elected in Year 4) |
9. “Alpinus Fullo” (elected in Year 5) |
Co-opting a recent past chair is included as an option here as the Chairperson needs to have recent experience of managing the Program and PDW systems as well as leadership of the wider group of MED officers. *If a scenario not anticipated by this succession plan arises, or this proves impossible to implement, then the Division Chair may, following consultation with and approval of a two thirds vote of the MED Executive Committee, appoint any qualified person to complete the remaining portion of the year as a Chair-elect, followed by an election for the remainder of the role’s duties via the normal elections process. Order of succession if the Program Chair (4. “Helvius Cinna”) is unable to serve in Year 1*
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Immediate Past Chair |
1. “Marcus Maximus” |
1. “Marcus Maximus” or 2. “Julius Longus” |
2. “Julius Longus” or 3. “Lucius Philo” |
3. “Lucius Philo” or 4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
Division Chair |
2. “Julius Longus” |
2. “Julius Longus” or 3. “Lucius Philo” |
3. “Lucius Philo” or 4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
Chair-elect |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
3. “Lucius Philo” or 4. “Helvius Cinna” (if able to return) supported by mentorship from Division Chair to learn Program Chair role |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
Program Chair |
3. “Lucius Philo” takes over the role |
5. “Cassius Elva” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
7. “Galerius Sura” |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” |
Program Chair-elect (PDW chair) |
5. “Cassius Elva” (elected in Year 1) |
6. “Dominicus Menus” (elected in Year 2) |
7. “Galerius Sura” (elected in Year 3) |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” (elected in Year 4) |
9. “Alpinus Fullo” (elected in Year 5) |
It is essential that the Program Chair has experience of the practicalities of the AOM program management systems, give that they have the responsibility to manage the MED program, including the paper and symposium submissions, reviewing process and socials and other duties that may arise over time in the development of AOM strategy and processes. This experience is developed through a process of learning through doing, in their previous role as Program Chair elect, managing the PDW program (including the submission and reviewing process for PDWs and managing the PDW socials program), and mentorship by the Program Chair and Chair Elect. Absence of such experience risks the core operations of the division conference and therefore the succession plan of above requires such experience. *If a scenario not anticipated by this succession plan arises, or this proves impossible to implement, then the Division Chair may, following consultation with and approval of a two thirds vote of the MED Executive Committee, appoint any qualified person to complete the remaining portion of the year as a Program Chair, followed by an election for the remainder of the role’s duties via the normal elections process. Order of succession if the Program Chair-elect (5. “Cassius Elva” ) is unable to serve in Year 1*
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Immediate Past Chair |
1. “Marcus Maximus” |
2. “Julius Longus” |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Spartacus Ludens” |
Division Chair |
2. “Julius Longus” |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Spartacus Ludens” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
Chair-elect |
3. “Lucius Philo” |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Spartacus Ludens” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
5. “Cassius Elva” or 7. “Galerius Sura” |
Program Chair |
4. “Helvius Cinna” |
5. “Spartacus Ludens” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” |
5. “Cassius Elva” or 7. “Galerius Sura” |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” |
Program Chair-elect (PDW chair) |
3. “Lucius Philo” takes over the role and the immediate election of 5. “Spartacus Ludens” |
6. “Dominicus Menus” (elected in Year 2) |
5. “Cassius Elva” (if able to return) or 7. “Galerius Sura” (elected in Year 3) |
8. “Tiberius Cursor” (elected in Year 4) |
9. “Alpinus Fullo” (elected in Year 5) |
*If a scenario not anticipated by this succession plan arises, or this proves impossible to implement, then the Division Chair may, following consultation with and approval of a two thirds vote of the MED Executive Committee, appoint any qualified person to complete the remaining portion of the year as a Program Chair-elect, followed by an election for the remainder of the role’s duties via the normal elections process.