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PhD Student Seeking Flipped Classroom Professors or Instructors Participation

  • 1.  PhD Student Seeking Flipped Classroom Professors or Instructors Participation

    Posted 01-03-2022 13:48
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    Hello and Happy New Year! My name is Annetta Dolowitz, and I am a Ph.D. student in Instructional Design and Development at the University of South Alabama. I will be designing a study that explores the effectiveness of providing students structured guidance, such as a reading or video viewing guide, in pre-class work. This study will attempt to increase student engagement and performance. Please feel free to contact me for detailed information on pre-class work methods and strategies.

    You are invited to voluntarily participate in this survey research project which will take 15 -20 minutes. I am seeking to better understand professors' and instructors' expectations of their students regarding student engagement in pre-class work. Your complete and honest responses are much valued. Thank you for your participation!

    Purpose: This survey explores how professors and instructors design their flipped classroom activities, specifically the pre-class work and your expectations and experiences with students' engagement in the pre-class work. I am examining how you prepare your students for a flipped classroom experience. I want to better understand how faculty determine what methods/strategies to deliver pre-class content and accompanying pre-class activities.

    Feel free to share this link with other instructors or professors!

    Please see the attached form for more details and or click the following link to the Qualtrics survey now. Thank you!




    Annetta Dolowitz, MSW, MPH
    PhD Student (USA) and Adjunct Professor (UAB)
    Birmingham AL
    (205) 821-3186UAB