Dear Colleagues,
The Management Education and Development (MED) division of the Academy of Management is delighted to invite you to an interactive video webinar on Evidence-based Management (EBMgt).
EBMgt is the conscientious use of multiple sources of evidence in making organizational decisions. The four key sources of evidence include scientific findings, organizational facts, stakeholder perspectives and professional expertise. The EBMgt process has six steps: Ask (a practice question), Acquire (obtain evidence), Appraise (evaluate the quality of the evidence), Aggregate (combine the difference sources), Apply (use evidence to make a decision), and Assess (evaluate the outcomes or success of the decision). The webinar will introduce the EBMgt process and provide guidance on how to continue to develop your EBMgt practice.
Title: Evidence-Based Management 101
This live, interactive video webinar will bring together academics and practitioners from around the world to discuss the latest topics in responsible management learning and education. Participants who are new to the field are most welcome and the webinar will help them get engaged and up-to-date.
We are particularly keen to involve doctoral students, junior faculty and international scholars and practitioners who may not have easy access to the Academy annual meeting. The webinar is free, and you can participate using any electronic device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) where you install Zoom (a free app).
Speaker: Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
Sponsor: Management Education and Development (MED) division; Paul Hibbert (U. of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK; MED Chair)
Host: Murray Dalziel (Dean, Merrick School of Business, U. of Baltimore)
When: November 15, 2018 (Thursday) – 12:00 – 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
How to join:
- Registration is free, just click here to provide your name and email address. If you so wish, the form also provides space for you to indicate areas of interest and advance questions for the presenter.
- If you do not have Zoom already installed in your computer or mobile device, before the webinar, please click here to download this free app. It is a very reliable, user-friendly and intuitive videoconferencing platform.
- One week before the event we will send you full instructions and a dedicated Zoom link, specific to this webinar. Just click that dedicated link to join the event.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Stickney or Eusebio Scornavacca.
We look forward to welcoming you to this vibrant community of scholars and practitioners!
~ Miguel
Miguel R. Olivas-Lujan, Ph.D. .:. Professor .:. Management & Marketing
Clarion U. of Pennsylvania .:. 840 Wood St. .:. Clarion, PA 16214 USA
Tel: +1.814.393.2641 .:. Fax: +1.814.393.1910
Visiting Professor, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (Deggendorf Inst. of Tech.)
and Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej (U. Marie Curie Skłodowska)
Academy of Management, MED Division Past Chair 2018-19
Editor, Advanced Series in Management -
- newest volumes: IB Diplomacy (18), Teal Orgs (19) and African Mgmt (20).