We cordially invite you to submit a chapter for the forthcoming book: Brilliant Leadership – Unlocking the Power of Innovation-Communication.
Interested authors may kindly send an extended abstract (300-350 words) with 5 keywords and affiliation to the Editors on or before 1.15.2024. Please confirm that your manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Editors: Alan Belasen, Ph.D. Nicole Pfeffermann, Ph.D.
abelasen@sunyempire.edu nicole.pfeffermann@googlemail.com
Publisher: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
Timeline for completion: Book chapters should be completed and sent as Word Document (.dox) via email to the Editors no later than 03.15.2024
Anticipated book release: November 2024
Alan Belasen
SUNY Empire University
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866