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Symposium: Human Flourishing: A New Management Manifesto

  • 1.  Symposium: Human Flourishing: A New Management Manifesto

    Posted 08-04-2023 15:23


    For something truly unique at the Academy of Management Conference in Boston, please join the symposium - Human Flourishing: A new Management Manifesto.

    Session # 1816 Tuesday August 08, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Courier Room, Westin Hotel

    The symposium brings academics, practitioners and policy-makers together to co-create a new #management #manifesto for #humanflourishing.

    Putting the Worker front and center is fundamentally an invitation to rewrite the essence of management as a professional and scholarly practice. It is also an invitation to ask more fundamental questions about the human condition, the #meaning and #purpose of #work, #working and what the #workplace represents that marks the contribution of the #workforce not only in getting things done, but through #collectiveaction that serves the #commongood.

    These are not new questions, and the #humanresourcesmanagement field has been calling for shifting the focus away from treating workers as a resource and putting back the emphasis on the human and do so by reinventing management itself such that it can support the development of #humanity.

    These calls return to the essence of management as #Drucker originally conceived "The Practice of Management" as intimately connected to a new version of #man – the 'Industrial Man' – putting an end to earlier versions of the 'Economic Man'. This is a critical juncture to also embrace 'human flourishing' more fully, mindful that it is anticipated to mark the makings of the #5thIndustrialRevolution.

    The symposium brings together a unique set of voices beyond the management field for a truly inclusive and interdisciplinary conversation which will also create room for outlining collective actions towards framing a new Management Manifesto as a key outcome of the event.

    We are delighted to have presentations from:

    Bob Chapman on "Barry-Wehmiller: Building a Better World through People, Purpose, Performance" as an exemplar case of #trulyhumanleadership that fosters #humanflourishing

    Dr. Noémie Le Pertel, EdD, MPH Le Pertel on "Workforce Flourishing: Workplace Engagement, Burnout and Mental Health"

    Jim Ritchie-Dunham-Dunham on "Organizations can generate strategic impact by scaling value and flourishing across the business ecosystem".

    Brandyn Keating on "The Case for Global Flourishing Goals" and

    Andrew S Nevin, PhD, @Elizabeth Neill on "Rethinking Competitiveness"

    We will also have contributions from members of the Leadership for Flourishing Network including: Eri Mountbatten-O'Malley (PhD, FHEA), Emmie Bidston, Katy Granville-Chapman, Tamara Lechner and Harry Jones

    We are delighted also that Brian Wellinghoff will facilitate the cocreation of a new Management Manifesto.

    Do not miss the opportunity to add your voice in this truly engaging and impactful session to mark the next chapter in advancing management and #organization research and practice.

    Elena P. Antonacopoulou PhD
    Professor of OB and Strategy
    Ivey Business School