Dear MED Community,
AMLE is delighted to announce the above event to be held at Bayes Business School (London, UK) on the 8th of Dec.
Who is the audience?
The event will be of interest to deans of business schools, academics, practitioners, and journalists with a broader interest in the field of management learning and education, and its connections with practise.
Why attend?
The event will showcase pathways through which researcher engagement with wider stakeholders can improve practise at work or in management education. At the same time, the event provides a forum in which academics can learn from practitioners about current challenges at work (and where perhaps academics can offer solutions).
The event includes keynote speeches by Andrew Hill (Senior business writer at the FT & consulting editor, FT Live) and Elizabeth Heichler (Editorial director at MIT Sloan Management Review). Four AMLE authors will share their experience concerning engagement efforts with practise before and/or following the publication of their articles. Finally, Professor Spicer will contribute a 'Dean's perspective on impact to the event.
The full event flyer can be found here:
And registration will be operational in the next few days via this link:
We look forward to welcoming participants at the event.
Best wishes
Dirk Lindebaum
Senior Professor in Management & Organisation
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Visiting Professor
University of Alberta School of Business
Alberta Business Family Institute
Incoming editor-in-chief Academy of Management Learning & Education New editorial- Management Learning and Education as "Big Picture" Social Science
Having concerns about ChatGPT in the research process?
This opinion piece in Times Higher Education explains why we should be concerned