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Updates from Giving Voice To Values at UVA Darden School of Business (apologies for cross-posts)

  • 1.  Updates from Giving Voice To Values at UVA Darden School of Business (apologies for cross-posts)

    Posted 09-19-2023 17:12


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    Happy fall! Giving Voice to Values continues to grow rapidly and globally, and we gratefully share recent developments below.

    New here? See our two-page overview of GVV's history and resources (PDF).

    Please reach out to us with your newsletter submissions at: GVV@darden.virginia.edu





    Mary C. Gentile will give a virtual GVV workshop through Compliance Week on 25 October from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Registration is open



    Announcing a new course at Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business: the Deloitte Colloquium in Ethical Leadership led by Professor Jessica McManus Warnell. This colloquium, affiliated with the Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership (NDDCEL), is a seminar-style course through which students will examine best practices in decision making and action from business and academic research, with a focus on developing capacities for effective, ethical business leadership.  The course offers a particular focus on inclusive leadership and leadership for social and environmental sustainability with a Giving Voice to Values approach to leadership development.



    Mary C. Gentile will speak on GVV as a featured methodology in Aspen Ethical Leadership in Healthcare program on 10 September 2023.



    The Ethics and Compliance Initiative will offer a two part program on "Giving Voice To Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership Development" on 7 and 9 November 2023.



    Forthcoming from the Giving Voice to Values Book Series in December 2023: 
    Giving Voice to Values-based Leadership: How to Develop Good Organizations Through Work on Values
    by Gry Espedal and Frank Elter



    Forthcoming from the Giving Voice to Values Book Series in 2024: Socratic Dialogue: A guidebook to collective coherence by Sira Abenoza and Josep Maria Lozano.




    1. Mary C. Gentile will give a virtual GVV workshop through Compliance Week on 25 October 2023.
    1. GVV Presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Ethical Leadership, Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business – Master's in Strategic Management and Executive Leadership, 19 September 2023.
    1. GVV Presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Deloitte Colloquium in Ethical Leadership, Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership, 19 September 2023.
    1. Mary C. Gentile speaks on GVV as a featured methodology in Aspen Ethical Leadership in Healthcareprogram, 10 September 2023.
    1. "Giving Voice to Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership" by Mary C Gentile. Vincent Fairfax Fellowship, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, Melbourne, Australia, August 9, 2023.GVV presentation to the "May Knowledge Continuum" by Mary C. Gentile. Center for Management IT , McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 12 May 2023.
    1. Mary C. Gentile gave a GVV presentation to the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, as they prepared to incorporate ethics elements in all of their teaching with GVV playing a central role at the University of Cologne, Köln, Germany, 8 May 2023.
    1. Mary C. Gentile served as a panelist for a global webinar, "Working With Values for Organizational Growth: Lessons Learnt From the Field," hosted by FlyntRok (based in Australia), 17 April 2023. VIDEO
    1. GVV Presentation to Aspen Institute First Mover Fellows by Mary C. Gentile, Aspen Institute Faculty Design Team Member. Greentree, NY, 12-15 April 2023.
    1. GVV presentations to faculty, students and community by Mary C. Gentile, Distinguished Speaker at the UMass Donahue Institute, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, 30 March 2023.
    1. Presentation (virtual) by Mary C. Gentile to the Association for Women in Science, Boston and New York City Chapters, 17 March 2023.
    1. GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile at the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, 8 March 2023.
    1. "Giving Voice to Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership" by Mary C. Gentile. Integrity Talk, PRME Working Group on Anti-Corruption and the PRME Business Integrity Action Center, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland, 21 February 2023.
    1. Trinity College Business Ethics Speaker Series Presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Trinity College, Ireland, 2 February 2023 VIDEO
    1. GVV Pedagogy and Curriculum Development Presentation to engineering faculty by Mary C. Gentile. Wake Forest University, 6 January 2023.
    1. GVV presentation to managers at Tata Power by Subhasis Ray, professor at Xavier Institute of Management University (India), January 2023.




    1. "Connecting Voice to Organizational Integrity" by Brett Beasley with Mary C. Gentile. In Research Handbook on Organizational Integrity, edited by M. Kaptein. Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, (forthcoming, 2024).


    1. "The Practical Uses of Hope: Giving Voice to Values" by Mary C. Gentile.Virtues & Vocations: Higher Education for Human Flourishing, Summer/August 2023.


    1. Foreword by Mary C. Gentile. In Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases, 6th Edition by Steven Mintz and William Miller. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2023.


    1. "Giving Voice to Values as an Enabling Pedagogy for Digital Ethics," by Adriana Krasniansky and Mary C. Gentile. In The Future of Responsible Management Education: University Leadership and the Digital Transformation Challenge, edited by Christian Hauser and Wolfgang Amann. Humanism in Business Series. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, May 2023.


    1. "Finding Meaning in Work" by Mary C. Gentile, Innovations: Technology, Governance & Globalization (A Quarterly Journal Published by MIT Press.) Volume 13, Issue 3/4, 60-63. Spring 2023.


    1. "An Empirical Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Giving Voice to Values Pedagogy" by William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver and Steven M. Mintz. Accounting Education, 6 March 2023.


    1. GVV is featured in, "Business Schools Must Teach the Value of Disobedience Over Climate," by Oliver Laasch, Times Higher Education, 28 January 2023.


    1. Mary Gentile's research is cited in, "An Empirical Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Giving Voice to Values Pedagogy," in Accounting Education, by William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver and Stephen M. Mintz.


    1. "Case Study: Does Facial Recognition Tech Enhance Security?" by Mary C. Gentile, David Danks, and Maralee Harrell. Harvard Business Review, November-December 2022.


    1. "Voice Your Values" by Dr. Judy K. Frels. Insights with Impact, March 28, 2022. 



    Darden Business Publishing is pleased to offer a new series of Tech Ethics cases (listed below). Several of the cases were made possible with a grant to the University of Virginia from the Deloitte Foundation. The full curriculum is available at Darden Business Publishing.

    1. "GVV Pillar Six: Voice – An Exercise to Speak to Barry's Challenge" (UVA-OB-1417) 28 February 2023. Michael Baldwin, Jacqueline Boaks and Brian Moriarty, Darden Business Publishing,
    1. "Move Fast, but without Bias: Ethical AI Development in a Start-up Culture (A)" (OB-1411) 11 August 2022. Gentile, Mary; Krasniansky, Adriana. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "Ethical Programming of Algorithms: How to Deal with Ethical Risks of AI Tools for Hiring Decisions? (A)" (OB-1401) 8 August 2022. Gentile, Mary; Hunkenschroer, Anna Lena. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "Recommendation Algorithms and Politics on Social Media (A)" (OB-1399) 28 July 2022. Gentile, Mary; Sloane, Mona. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "You Can't Tell Anyone (A)"(OB-1406) 15 July 2022. Gentile, Mary; Moriarty, Brian. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "Ubiquitous Surveillance (A)" (OB-1403) 8 July 2022. Gentile, Mary; Danks, David; Harrell, Maralee. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "Toxic for Teens? Navigating a Career in the Social Media Industry (A)" (OB-1395) 6 June 2022. Gentile, Mary; Warnell, Jessica McManus. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "Held Hostage in the 21st Century: Cybersecurity, Ransomware, and Crisis Management (A)" (OB-1392) 24 May 2022. Gentile, Mary; Feehan, Ross. Darden Business Publishing.
    1. "Programming a "Fairer" System: Assessing Bias in Enterprise AI Products (A)" (OB-1340) 9 December 2020. Gentile, Mary; Krasniansky, Adriana. Darden Business Publishing.




    1. The Ethics and Compliance Initiative will offer a two part program on "Giving Voice To Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership Development", 7 and 9 November 2023.
    1. "Giving Voice to Values 'Train-the-Trainer' Program for Internal Managers at MasterCard" by Mary C. Gentile. Program is rolling out to the MasterCard organization across numerous countries in Africa in 2023.
    1. Mary Gentile participated in a discussion of "Giving Voice To Values" for the "Virtuous Leadership Program," a convening of senior business leaders in Brazil, sponsored by Virtuous Company2022. Watch Video.
    1. "Giving Voice to Values" is being offered as an Executive Education program at Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 2022.
    1. Ashesi University launched their GVV MOOC on 14 June 2022. The course is part of an Education Collaborative initiative with other African universities to transform higher education. Led by Professor Rebecca Awuah, the program includes GVV cases specific to Africa.
    1. Grant-funded GVV Curriculum project launched in engineering, nursing and social care at Munster Technological University, Ireland, 2021.
    1. The Australian Institute of Health and Safety is offering an online professional development version of the GVV MOOC customized for Health and Safety profession.
    1. GVV has been a featured input into the Communication Skills program at the Notre Dame School of Medicine, Australia, and was acknowledged at the Association for Medical Education in Europe annual conference, 2020.
    1. GVV Online programs from Nomadic.fm is now part of the Josh Bersin Academy offerings for Human Resources Leaders in 2020. https://bersinacademy.com/voice-values-and-hr
    1. GVV is now featured in an ONLINE program for the CFA Institute (Chartered Financial Analyst Institute).
    1. GVV is being used in professional development programming by the GFOA (Government Financial Officers Association).
    1. GVV is a featured methodology in Aspen Ethical Leadership in Healthcare program, offered annually in the Fall. https://www.aspenethicalleadership.com/
    1. GVV has become part of the pedagogy and curriculum for FASPE, the Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics. To learn more, visit: https://www.faspe-ethics.org/
    1. Science and Technology Online Ethics Center has approved the GVV MOOC that Mary Gentile adapted for Engineering Education and is making it available (it was successfully piloted at UVA School of Engineering in the Fall of 2021).
    1. GVV MOOC  The GVV MOOC, "Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values," launched by UVA Darden and Coursera, is available. https://www.coursera.org/learn/uva-darden-giving-voice-to-values



    Giving Voice to Values Book Series


    Latest Book in the GVV Series From Routledge:

    Authentic Excellence for Organizations: Creating Flourishing "&" Cultures 
    by R. Kelly Crace, Charles J. Hardy, Robert L. Crace

    (June 2023)


    Coming to the GVV Series in December

    Giving Voice to Values-based Leadership: How to Develop Good Organizations Through Work on Values
    by Gry Espedal and Frank Elter


    Coming to the GVV Series in 2024

    Socratic Dialogue: A Guidebook to Collective Coherence 
    by Sira Abenoza and Josep Maria Lozano




    Thank you for your continued interest and use of Giving Voice to Values!




    Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What's Right

    GVV Curriculum and Materials at UVA Darden Business Publishing

    GVV MOOC Information and Registration

    Contact: Brian Moriarty
    Giving Voice to Values
    University of Virginia Darden School of Business
